Burger King
Whopper Exchange
A tasty alternative for unneeded gifts.

Everyone has experienced that moment on Christmas Day – opening a present, only to wish at once that it was something entirely different.
Burger King wanted to offer their guests the opportunity to turn unwanted gifts into something everyone will love.

For 2016 Christmas, Burger King gave the chance to exchange spare Christmas gifts for a Whopper on Boxing Day at restaurants throughout Brazil, the UK, USA, Mexico and Russia.
People who couldn’t get to a restaurant in person could take part through social media. The first fans to post a picture of their unwanted present with the tag #WhopperExchange won a gift card to redeem a Whopper at their local Burger King.

Whopper Exchange gave thought for food, resulting in over one billion media impressions, while transforming the way people feel about unwanted Christmas presents.
It was one of Burger King’s biggest global activations of the year, helping the brand establish its witty and provocative tone of voice.