One Story Away
A new perspective to a familiar motif.

Stories have the power to bring everyone closer together.
A window into someone else’s world puts us in their shoes. Whether it’s through emotive impact or light-hearted escapism, stories shift perspectives allow us to feel more emotion and see in a more empathetic way.

Every story is a journey. And the audience is the hero.
Netflix invites us to step into the great unknown. As we journey from beginning to end, we realise that not fully knowing what’s in front of us is exactly what makes stories worth watching, people worth meeting and life worth living.
Here, the familiar progress bar is given a higher meaning, acting as a connective thread through the most iconic Netflix originals. Along it moves the red dot; a metaphor for the viewer who becomes the key presence in any scene. Because, ultimately, it’s the audiences’ shift in feeling that gives storytelling reason to exist and power to bring worlds together.

In its first global brand campaign, Netflix helps viewers everywhere play their part in building a more empathetic world.
One Story Away was released simultaneously in over 27 countries. Each area received localised versions of the film, featuring voice-overs from Netflix talent like Ava Duvernay, Yalitza Aparicio, Lali Esposito, Omar Sy and Hannah Gadsby.

Print, out of home and social also highlights the perception-shifting themes of more than 50 Netflix Originals, making it one of the broadest-reaching and most diverse communications in Hollywood history.
Through the collaboration of nine AKQA studios across North and South America, Europe and Asia, the project is proof itself of the connective power of stories.