Experience the intimate lives of the world’s most amazing animals in one app.

For 60 years, the World Wildlife Fund’s mission has been to create a future in which people live in harmony with nature.
With a quarter of all Americans owning tablets, we needed to take the next step to advance WWF digital technology. To engage, educate and entertain all generations about the importance of conserving the diversity of life on our planet. We re-invented the conversation – we made the animals the heroes.

WWF Together brings us closer to the lives of animals than ever before. Using the iPad’s distinctive gestural and hardware features, the app draws users deep into animal habitats through interactivity.
Swipe sea ice to reveal polar bear facts, chop panda bamboo, and access the iPad camera to simulate tiger vision. Location-based services also invite users to spin an interactive, 3D globe and discover how far away they are from 60 different species around the world.

WWF Together earned the prestigious Apple Design Award in 2013, and has clocked up over 60 years in total time users have spent exploring it since launch.
The app was downloaded more than 300,000 times in the first week of release and over 1 million times during 2013. All of this was achieved with no paid media.